Our service is operated with the help of over 100 volunteers

We are always looking for new volunteers to continue to support the Fountain Centre and what we do. Our volunteers are of all ages and from all walks of life, and volunteering is a great way to make new friends.
If you can spare 3 hours or more a week, then we would love to hear from you. The types of volunteers we require include qualified complementary therapists, qualified counsellors and coaches and, reception volunteers as well as fundraising volunteers to help out at events. If you are interested in volunteering please get in touch.

Corporate volunteering is a great way to encourage team building, to boost morale and to nurture leadership amongst your employees. It is a great day out for all involved and a brilliant way for businesses to put something back into their local community.
Here are just some ideas maintenance work and planting in the garden; helping at one of our numerous fundraising events.
For more information and ideas cont act us.

Short on time but would like to help? We understand that people’s lives are often very busy and that you may only be able to spare a few hours here or there, don't worry though as there are still lots of things you can help out with.
We always need volunteers to help at our events: ambassadors; marshalling; Cheering on marathon runners; logistics; shaking a bucket at a collection point. No matter how little time you spare you will have helped out enormously.
£100 Donation
Could provide one to one support for a child or family member with a parent facing a cancer diagnosis.